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Monday, September 10, 2012


On June 12 2008 Solid Snake ended his espionage life style with Metal Gear Solid 4 on the PS3 with slogan "no where to hide" this left Solid Snake gamers in tears wanting more fast forward to 2012 where  the gamers prayers have been answered. 

Ladies and Gentleman i present the future of Metal Gear Solid on the newly announced "Fox Engine" (spoiler alert).

About Me

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Born in Jamaica west Indies, Vincent came to America at the tender age of six. He attend elementary school at the second grade level he later graduated toward junior high school followed by high school which is where he fell in love with the newest and latest gadgets (camcorders,cellular phones,videogames televisions etc). Now he turns his love for technology as a blog to update the world for the futuristic vision of what is here and what is yet to come.
